It is always a good idea to obtain a personal credit report before the start of a divorce proceeding. This way, you will have an accurate idea of your debt and the credit report may also reveal any joint debt (with your spouse) that you may not have been aware of. A Divorce Decree should ideally contain the total amount of debt of both spouses (individually or jointly) and it should also specify which spouse has the responsibility to pay off a particular debt. It is also advisable to obtain a credit report once the Divorce Decree has been entered to make sure that no joint debt was incurred (without your knowledge) while the Divorce proceeding was pending.
Questions About Credit & Divorce?
If you have questions regarding credit and finances and how they will be affected during and after your Divorce Proceeding, our Minnesota Divorce Attorneys are here to help. Click below to schedule a consultation at our Minneapolis, St. Paul or Eden Prairie offices or call 952-800-2025.